Top Reasons to Love Smoothie Diet

Top Reasons to Love Smoothie Diet

Smoothie diet has become very popular and effective in last few years. It’s not just a bluff on the Internet, it is true and proven! You must be wondering why green smoothie has become part of millions of peoples’ daily routine life. Answer is simple, it’s one of the best ways to get healthy balanced meal.

I would suggest to drink a healthy green smoothie once daily and you will see the healthy difference. There are many benefits of following a daily smoothie diet. Today I have come up with the following list that will give you reasons to love smoothies.

Best Way to Start Morning

Green smoothies are the best ways to start you mornings. It’s quick and easy to make smoothie loaded with nutrients.

You can even reduce prep time in the morning by preparing everything a night before, and just throw your greens, fruits, superfood along with the choice of liquid in the morning to make your breakfast smoothie.

You will be surprised that every day you will be drinking a one fine smoothie loaded with nutrients and vitamins that can boost your health and immune power.

Smoothies Help Avoid Junk Food

Believe it or not, by adapting a smoothie diet lifestyle, slowly you will develop an habit of avoiding junk and unhealthy food. Yes, I bet you!

In my opinion, by adding one healthy balanced smoothie diet daily, you will develop a very healthy lifestyle that will fulfill your body with all necessary nutrients and vitamins, and will stop your cravings for unhealthy junk or fast foods.

I would recommend to add daily smoothie diet not just in your daily routine, but also in your family’s daily routine. Try replacing one meal with smoothie for your entire family. I would say, easy and the best way is to introduce smoothie as a breakfast smoothie.

Start Loving Beneficial Leafy Greens

Thoughts of leafy greens in daily smoothie bring dislike in mind for many of us! Trust me, you can easily hide the bitter taste of certain leafy greens by using other sweeter ingredients.

If you are beginner, then I would recommend to start with baby spinach. Spinach is high in nutrients and vitamins and milder in taste. You can easily hide the taste of spinach by using sweeter fruits such as bananas, strawberries, mangoes and papaya.

Slowly, you can start adding other greens with stronger taste, such as kale, Swiss chard, beet greens and similar. You may also like my post on top greens for green smoothie recipes.

Eating leafy greens everyday help you build up strong immune power through vitamins and antioxidant characteristics. 

Smoothies can be Unique

You can customize your smoothie based on your preference. Each healthy smoothie contains good amount of nutrients, vitamins, protein, carbs and fiber. You can adjust the level of each by choosing different varieties of greens, fruits and superfoods.

For example, you can make your smoothie with different ingredients for breakfast, lunch or dinner based on your choice of calories and nutrients. Also, you can make your version of smoothie for pre or post workout.

Overall, you can make every single smoothie different way with variable nutrients levels to meet your need for the day or activity.

Smoothies are Kids Friendly

It’s very common for kids to hate green vegetables and love junk food. But, you can change that by making kids friendly smoothie with fruits, yogurt and greens with milder taste.

You will be surprised that kids love smoothie made with their favorite fruits along with your choice of greens. This way you will end up ensuring the healthy nutrients that your kid’s body need.

You can also either blend smoothie and store it in refrigerator or pour it in Popsicle molds and freeze them for fun time. By introducing smoothie in kids’ diet, you are developing a habit of healthy diet from the early age.

Smoothies are Budget Friendly

Smoothies diet is not expensive! You can save lot of money by following healthy smoothie diet. Plus, you will end up learn how to avoid junk food from your diet. Usually, we spend a lot of money eating junk food. Smoothie diet trains our body to say no to junk food. It’s true, you will realize it once you get into the daily habit.

I also recommend to either freeze ripe fruits or get frozen fruits for longer life. It gives you the same taste and nutrients but at the same time you will not waste. Frozen fruits are good but not for months, try to use frozen fruits within few weeks to maintain the quality and nutrients level.

Smoothie a Day Healthy Habit

Develop a habit of one smoothie a day! Yes, make smoothie diet your habit and try to replace one meal with healthy balanced smoothie recipe.

Habits we develop naturally, but developing a habit can be little harder than we think. So, try and stick to the routine by making a smoothie meal replacement. Prepare your ingredients in advance, do not hesitate to stick note on mirror and refrigerator or even setting up a reminder on your smart phone.

Once you follow it for couple of months, it will become part of your daily routine. I suggest to start with healthy breakfast smoothie to make it easier. You can prep ingredients night before to save time.

Create Your Own Recipes

Show your creative side by mixing different greens and fruits in different proportions to create your own smoothie recipe.

You never know, you might become one of those professional recipe creator and start sharing your smoothie recipes with friends and family members. I would not be surprised if you end up making money by writing and publishing your own smoothie recipe book.

Learn about Nutrients

By learning about the nutrients, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates and other ingredients will help you understand the content of your smoothie. Get into details to educate yourself about the benefits of ingredients that way you will be able to adjust the portions of ingredients to create your own smoothie containing specific amount of nutrients.

Remove Food Decision Dilemma

We have hundreds of options when it comes to making a food decision. When you get into daily smoothie diet lifestyle, you will notice that you have overcome the confusion of making food decision.

Smoothie diet lifestyle will simplify your decision process and you will develop less cravings for food and pick healthy meal in daily routine. Overall, smoothie will work indirectly to keep you away from toxins and un-healthy food.

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